Neon Lights
Richard William Wheater regularly works with glass and neon through performance and installation. Neon making, in particular, requires a high degree of skill to achieve any sort of successful outcome and the project aims to explore the value of skill when associated with art work. Whilst fascinated with the process, the artist’s practical skill level in neon making is basic, often relying on outsourced skilled labour to fabricate ideas. This is a common practice with artists, though the skilled labour, certainly for neon making, is becoming scarce as digital signage becomes more prevalent.
A mobile neon-making unit will accompany the artist to the space where, through intense practice, he will create light-filled text in the gallery. Over the two weeks, the text will change in quality and speed of production. At the end of each day completed work will be mounted on the gallery wall and illuminated, and by the end of the two weeks a neon installation will be displayed relevant in meaning to the project.
Event – Friday 17 December, 6pm
The neon piece will be finally completed and lit, revealing the full text. Followed by seasonal refreshments. Everyone welcome.