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A Bit Flat is a collaborative sound and video project that was created for the web by a team of young apprentices during an intensive two week apprenticeship at Site Gallery. The project is a reworking of the music and spoken word web collaboration, In B Flat [] and was aimed at introducing young people to the relatively new movement of collaborative web art.
As the possibilities of the internet grow, so too does the number of artists and creative thinkers producing online collaborative art. People are realising that “…small contributions from lots of people can amount to something powerful in the aggregate”.*
In B Flat was conceived by New York based musician, Darren Solomon, from Science for Girls, and developed with contributions from youtube users. The final piece allows online users to control the music of a series of youtube windows.The reworking of the project gave participants a hands-on understanding of how a collaboration can work through use of individual ideas. Musical participants played their own instruments while others found creative ways to make sound effects.
Many thanks to:
Ben Moon for technical support and apprenticeship mentoring
Darren Solomon for permission to use his idea and his enthusiastic support of the project.
For more information visit:
Quote source:* ‘Strangers gather on Web to make collective art’, John Sutter, |19th August 2009
July 2010
Site Young Apprentice Scheme [SYAS] gives 14 to 21 year olds the opportunity to work more closely with the gallery on a variety of creative activities such as being part of the decision making process for commissioning new work.
In July 2010 the gallery piloted an intensive two week apprenticeship for eight young people [14 – 17] as a vocational extension of the SYAS. The pilot offered a practical insight into careers in the contemporary art sector through a range of exciting assignments and artists’ talks. Apprentices developed creative, media and workplace skills in a ‘real work’ style environment and led their own creative projects while working towards an Arts Award qualification and gaining a written reference outlining their achievements.
External Links:
A Bit Flat
Related blogs:
Site Gallery work placement blog

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