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Experience part of Survey III artist Che Applewhaite’s sculptural work untitle “HANDLE WITH CARE” by downloading the PDF below. untitle “HANDLE WITH CARE” asks you to engage with a character called R.P.J. across both physical and online spaces, by inviting you to take away a sheet from the paper stack on top of the plinth. The work explores how hurting and healing intimacies overlap within colonial systems of exchange.

R.P.J. asks …

What more do you want?

“all you have to do is take it”

Your poem brought me back; it was my need more than you imagined. How can I thank you for what you did to me?

The killings, the deaths big and little, the sex, the violations, again and again; the surveillance, the fear, the despair, the what you called love, the what you called good, the what you called true; I zoom, and there, right here, I see myself, again.

How can I thank you?

All I have left to do is handle it.

All I have to do is want it….


“All you have to do is…


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