Trade Routes Walk and Welcome Celebration - Site Gallery Skip to main content

Join us for the maiden voyage of the Manor Maker Trade Routes canoe, followed by a celebration of its arrival at the gallery with festive refreshments.

Trade Routes Walk: 10am – 1pm

START: Manor Maker Workshop – (opposite) 389 Manor Ln, Sheffield S2 1UL

Welcome at Site Gallery: 1pm – 2.30pm
Over the last 3 months 7 young people have been working with Sheffield artist Christopher Jarratt, designer Paul Reardon (Peter & Paul) and carpenter Tom Collier to build their very own land and water-going vessel.

The Manor Makers invite you to walk with them and tow the boat (loaded with Manor made honey and Wildflower seeds) with the help of a shire horse, along the canal on a new route from the Manor to Site Gallery. The journey will re-trace a former trade route whilst embracing community making, learning, up-skilling and place making, promoting the honey and wildflower seed production that is happening next door to our workshop.

On arrival we will welcome walkers with a warm drink and mince pie, and Christopher Jarratt will say a few words about the project.
Families and young people of all ages are welcome to join us for the walk and welcome celebration, or to meet at Site Gallery from 1pm to welcome the canoe and walkers.

Here is a sketch of the route the Manor Makers will take:
More information about the history of the project can be found here.

This work was supported by the Sheffield Culture Consortium through Year of Making 2016, Making Ways and Arts Council England Ambition for Excellence.
We are grateful for Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s ongoing support for our pioneering work with young people.

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