About Eleanor Hope-Jones:
Eleanor is a writer, director and performer for stage and screen. She tracks down stories, and lets them decide what form they take. Stories that revalue the feminine, in all its rage and softness. That reflect the wild complexity of the tribe of women who raised her. That find beauty in the vulnerable, like the feeling of sunlight on your back in the midst of period pains, or the sanctuary of crying curled up in another person’s arms after the world has hurt you.
Her work plays with form and genre to delve into that tension. It wanders into magical worlds that contrast ferociously with the devastating topics they’re exploring. It slips around the fourth wall, only to hide back behind it when things get too hard. Before realising the whole thing needs to be torn down anyway.
It is deeply vulnerable and personal. But that’s the only way it can be transformative. After all, bravery is catching.
Eleanor’s achivements:
Graduated from the University of the West of England with a First in Drama and Writing. She was awarded the University’s prize for outstanding contribution to Drama.
Created a short film, Vlogger, via the BBC’s New Creatives Scheme. It was then broadcast on BBC4 and can be watched here.
Written a play called Security that was chosen by Award Winning company Papatango for a rehearsed reading.Founded company Palomar Theatre. Our debut production, Darlings, premiered at the Edinburgh fringe festival to multiple four star reviews.
Podcast theme: Liv Muir Wilson