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The theme for Spring 2018 Society of Explorers workshops is Transformation.
Transformation that is at once internal external bodily, technological, environmental, spatial, societal, cultural and political.
During their weekly meetups at Union Street, The Society of Explorers will be working on a series of workshops with performance artist Hester Chillingworth. Hester regularly collaborates with world renowned performance company Forced Entertainment in Sheffield. They will explore the theme through performing the self, time and duration, body as material, and interventions into public space.


As well as the weekly Explorers meet-ups, we work with young people, artists and a range of community partners on some amazing projects in different locations around Sheffield. Previous projects have are The Missy Elliott Project, Out to Everyone in Leeds, and Heavy Metal Detector at Abandon Normal Devices Festival in Castleton.

Site Gallery Art Van:

In Summer 2017, we launched our amazing Art Van – On The Road. The Society of Explorers helped the gallery team transform a white van into an exceptional mobile gallery and workshop space. In 2018 the van will be roaming around the city inspiring and collaborating for another summer of fun and creativity. We’ll be announcing when, where and how to get involved soon.

The River Project: Categories of Life and Death:

Commissioned by The River Trust and Site Gallery, The River Project 2018: Categories of Life and Death will engage communities living on the outer edges of Sheffield in an exploration of the past and the present to speculate on possible narratives for the future.  The team are working with award-winning artist and filmmaker Eelyn Lee to create a new moving image work on a marginal landscape in Hillsborough.
There is always space for inquisitive young people to join in with our projects. If you are interested and want to get involved or just see what it’s all about, please contact our Young People’s Programme Manager,

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